§ 5.50.040. General provisions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Smoking, eating or drinking by anyone is prohibited in the area where body art is performed.


    Operators must be a minimum of eighteen years of age.


    Operators shall refuse service to any person who, in the opinion of a reasonable objective observer, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


    The operator shall maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness, conform to hygienic practices and wear clean clothes when performing body art procedures. Before performing body art procedures, the operator must thoroughly wash his or her hands in hot running water with liquid antimicrobial soap, then rinse his or her hands and dry with disposable paper towels. This shall be done as often as necessary to remove contaminants.


    In performing body art procedures, the operator shall wear disposable medical gloves. The gloves shall be discarded at a minimum, after the completion of each procedure on an individual client.


    If, while performing a body art procedure, the operator's glove is pierced, torn or otherwise contaminated, the procedure in subsections D and E of this section shall be repeated immediately. The contaminated gloves shall be immediately discarded and the hands washed thoroughly as described in subsection D of this section before a fresh pair of gloves are used. Any item or other instrument used for body art which is contaminated during the procedure shall be discarded and replaced immediately with new ones before the procedure resumes.


    Contaminated waste, as defined in this code, which may release liquid blood or body fluids when compressed or may release dried blood or body fluids when handled must be placed in an approved "red" bag and which is marked with the international "biohazard" symbol. It must then be disposed of by a waste hauler approved by the department or, at a minimum, pursuant to the requirements of 29 CFR Part 1910.1030. Sharps ready for disposal shall be disposed of in approved sharps containers. Contaminated waste which does not release liquid blood or body fluids when compressed or does not release dried blood or body fluids when handled may be placed in a covered receptacle and disposed of through normal, approved disposal methods. Storage of contaminated waste on-site shall not exceed the period specified by the department or more than a maximum of thirty days, as specified in 29 CFR Part 1910.1030 whichever is stricter.


    No person shall perform any body art procedure upon a person under the age of eighteen years without the presence, consent and proper identification of a parent or legal guardian unless under the direct supervision of a physician. Nothing in this section is intended to require an operator to perform any body art procedure on a person under eighteen years of age with parental or guardian consent.


    Any skin or mucosa surface to receive a body art procedure shall be free of rash, infection or any other visible pathological condition.


    The skin of the operator shall be free of rash, infection or any other visible pathological condition. No person or operator affected with boils, infected wounds, open sores, abrasions, exudative lesions, acute respiratory infection, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea shall work in any area of a body art establishment in any capacity in which there is a likelihood of contaminating body art equipment, supplies or working surfaces with pathogenic organisms.


    Proof shall be provided upon request of the department that all operators have either completed or were offered and declined, in writing, the hepatitis B vaccination series; that antibody testing has revealed that the employee is immune to hepatitis B; or that the vaccine is contraindicated for medical reasons. Contraindication requires a dated and signed physician's statement specifying the name of the employee and that the vaccine cannot be given.

(Ord. 1708-2002 § 2(part), 2002).